Do you have this plant at home? beware of it coz too hazard to health! Hey frenz...some of you don't read Chinese language but never mind, pls take note coz this is really too alarming to be ignored & i must share w/u guys...
Basically this article warns abt the highly poisonous plant as shown below...so pls be aware now that it seems too hazardous to be placed at home, in office or anywhere near our dwelling places!
Apart fr the poison in the sap of the leaves which causes irritation, inflamation or swelling of the face & jaw esp those with allergic skin when come into contact, this plant is useless in terms of air purification, absorption of other harmful or even cancer causing gases in the air e.g.CO2, CH2O(Formaldehyde),C2-H-Cl3(Trichloroethylene)...in fact, even the soil where the plant used to grow wld also turn poisonous! So, don't use the soil to plant veggies. Even, insects, ants will not go near to this plant.
Oh dear! too bad, so sad :( don't u think?....such a nice, strong yet elegant plant liked by many just like myself! Incidentally, the Chinese particularly loves this plant owing to it's common name "Gold Coin" tree I guess?? & its glamor & popularity are so amazing during CNY time...esp w/little red ribbons tied to its branches!
Anyway for now, just to be safe, probably we can only be "distant admirers" of this lovely plant ya!
Take care...GOD BLESS!
金钱树 (泽米芋) —— 珍宝还是无形杀手?
泽米芋——学名为Zamioculcas zamiifolia ,又名金钱树、雪铁芋、泽米叶天南星、龙凤木,为天南星科、雪铁芋属的罕见观叶植物,作为一种以观叶为主的常绿草本植物。它原产于非洲东部,为林下多年生植物,耐荫、耐旱,怕高湿,怕低温、怕雨淋。金钱树,其实不是树。树一般都是木本,而金钱树却是多年生常绿草本植物。
为何被称作“金钱树”或“金币树”呢?它这令人诱人的名字,不管你上看下看,左看右看,完全没有一点像金钱的样子。它的叶子是卵形冠上金钱两字,会不会有点不伦不类。其拉丁文的种加词“zamiifolia”,意为“泽米叶的”,也就是说它是一种叶片同泽米苏铁(Zamia furfuracea)很相似的天南星类植物,即“泽米叶天南星”。
如果你家买了此类植物,最好把它摆远一点,不要让老小接触到它。金钱树也不要放在窗下,它的毒气会影响房中人的健康。如果你不舍弃种,最好多种两三盆虎尾兰,巴西铁树,吊兰等。它们不但可以净化,吸收漂浮在空中有害的气体,二氧化碳 CO2,甲醛 CH2O (Formaldehyde),三氯乙烯C2-H-Cl3(Trichloroethylene)等致癌的气。
千富万富,健康才是真正的财富…… !
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